Groundwire will not deregister account from server, even after deleting app

Hey guys, I recently solved an issue I was having with Groundwire so I wanted to post the solution for future users.

As some of you may have seen on here recently, I was testing with Groundwire. It didn’t work out for me, so I switched back to using for my services. The problem was, after switching back to montreal1, my account was still showing as registered to, while at the same time also being registered to montreal1. It seemed to be a stuck SIP session. I tried uninstalling the app, restarting my phone, restarting my router to no avail.

I spoke with Tom on Live Chat, and he informed me that the registration to would persist as long as a certain IP address was sending requests to stay registered. We figured out it was Groundwire’s push service. Some sort of glitch was causing it to keep the session active.

The solution was rather straightforward. I simply changed my DIDs’ servers BACK to, then with Groundwire still uninstalled and inactive, I called the DIDs from my landline. Calling resulted in a ‘busy’ tone, and I refreshed the page right away and the registrations were gone!! The problem was then solved.

I was then able to switch back to montreal1 and register no problem, calls are working great again.

Apple should notify Groundwire’s push server after it sends a push to a deleted app, although it would be up to Groundwire to remove the push notification for your account. They might just let it expire.

It would also be a good time to change your password, which would also solve the problem from a perspective. I’d recommend this because although I have no reason to be suspicious of Groundwire (and I use their push server myself), the reality is that their servers have your password, and a data leak could leak your DID’s password.

The risk is tiny, but it is still best practice to revoke any sort of token or password on the server side when you stop using a service.