Is there a way to get a notification, SMS or email when a DID registration drops or fails to register? This would be nice to know when a DID doesn’t register, so we are not down for days without knowing.
Hello timothyflee
At this time, we do not possess any tools or features that would assist in this matter. As it stands, it is not feasible from our end. However, I understand that if you are utilizing Asterisk, you should be able to implement such notifications from your server.
There is an api call you can set up that outputs json with one of the items as "registered": "yes"
From there, you can just have a script or use some monitoring tool to look for that output.
For instance, in Uptime Kuma you can do an http json query check for “registered”.
Curl Example below:
curl -Ss '' | jq .
See my blog page where I describe a PHP script that I have set up. It monitors about fifteen VOIP.MS subaccounts that I care about. I get an email every time one of the subaccounts loses its registration.