Zopier5 a-ok. trying to setup voip.ms in ancient router ata. registrar IP and port?

Newbee wanting to replace residential landline with voip ata.
Before trying to setup ata, used Zopier5 softphone app and it registered ok, and is allowing me to take incoming calls, make outgoing calls (all on a macos laptop connected to my c2100t wifi-router). Now i was curious if I could setup the voip-ata hardware inside my ancient Technicolor c2100t wifi-router. I tried to copy over the working settings from Zopier5 account to the router such as washington2 server at I’m using here in USA. I do so with voice set commands listed at https://charlesreid1.com/wiki/Technicolor_C2100T#voice

I’m not sure and have not been able to fine what these two should be (ideas?):

      Registrar Addr       :
      Registrar Port       : 5060

(BTW, there is a hidden web-gui but it is accessible only to username “support”, and password suggestions on web and crack have yet to provide working password for sc_login.html aka SupportConsole). I setup rsyslogd on linux box at but I don’t have it getting any error messages from router yet. Still working on that :wink:

So, below are settings I am trying, but can’t get router’s voip-ata to register at voip.ms site. I was hoping someone might notice some tweaks that might get it to register, and work. The ata line has a fast busy, never any dial tone. That is, I make some setting changes, then voice save and voice reboot but never see it register when I click [Refresh Registration Status] at voip.ms site.

 > voice set lineStatus 0 0 on
 > voice save
 > voice restart    
 > voice show
Global Parameters:
BoundIfName          : LAN
IP address family    : IPv4
Vodsl logLevel       : Error
Management Protocol  : TR69

Service Provider 0:
   Associated Voice Profile: 1
   Locale                  : USA
   DTMFMethod              : RFC2833
   HookFlashMethod         : None

   Log Server Addr         :
   Log Server Port         : 514
   T38                     : on
   V18                     : off
   RTPDSCPMark             : 46
      Domain               :
      Port                 : 5060
      Transport            : TCP
      RegExpires           : 0
      RegRetryInterval     : 20
      DSCPMark             : 40
      Registrar Addr       :
      Registrar Port       : 5060

      Proxy Addr           : 
      Proxy Port           : 0
      OutBoundProxy Addr   : 
      OutBoundProxy Port   : 0
      Music Server Addr    :
      Music Server Port    : 0
      To Tag Matching      : On
      Timer B ( in ms )    : 32000
      Timer F ( in ms )    : 32000
      SRTP Usage Option    : Disabled

   Account 0:
      ActivationStatus        : Enabled
      VoipServiceStatus       : Disabled
      CallStatus              : Idle
      Associated CM Acnt      : 0
      PhysEndpt               : 0
      Extension               : 
      DisplayName             : 395498
      AuthName                : 395498
      AuthPwd                 : my_password
      TxGain                  : 0 dB
      RxGain                  : 0 dB
         MWI                  : off
         CallWaiting          : on
         CFWDNum              : 
         CallFwdAll           : off
         CallFwdBusy          : off
         CallFwdNoans         : off
         AnonymousOutgoingCall: off
         AnonymousCallRcvBlock: off
         DoNotDisturb         : off
         CallCompOnBusy       : off
         SpeedDial            : off
         WarmLine             : off
         WarmLineNum          : 
         CallBarring          : off
         CallBarringMode      : None
         CallBarringPin       : 9999
         CallBarringDigitMap  : 
         NetPrivacy           : off
         VMWI                 : off
         VAD                  : off
         pTime                : 20
         CodecList            : (0) G.722
                                (1) G.711MuLaw
                                (2) T38
                                (3) NTE

   Account 1:  (not using this second line)

Possible not supporting the certificates in use for call encryption or wrong transport method. I think VIOP.MS needs TLS depending on how you have your account setup.
Call Encryption - TLS/SRTP

With the low cost of an ATA (fully supported current HW and firmware) why would you A.) want to re-use legacy HW and b.) jam SW config into a device that wasn’t designed for that purpose ?
