VoIP.ms Community Forum!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of VoIP.ms Community Forum, and we can’t wait for you to hop on board!

There are numerous benefits to joining our community, such as:

  • Have discussions around VoIP.ms features and API integrations

  • Learn more about integrating VoIP.ms with Technology Partners

  • Learn from tips and advanced users

  • Stay up to date with the latest news and announcements

Note that our new community forum will replace our existing Facebook community group.

Join the community right now: https://community.voip.ms/

We will see you there.

Test. I haven’t yet figured how to create a new thread.

Hello and welcome to VoIP.ms Community Forum, you should be able to create a new topic. Thanks

Can’t find a New Topic button. Do I need to do something to enable? Thanks.

Hello yowee,

This should be on the right side of the screen, let me know if you are still unable to see it

Appreciate that we have a forum now!

Like @Zeta and @yowee, I don’t see the functionality to start a new thread, but I suspect this might be a restriction for new users.

More of interest would be “settings” and “logout”… :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply ,

Ill check with the team right away and let you know right away

You should be able to post New topics , let me know if this is not the case