Value vs Premium Plan for Canadians

For Canadians that are using, which plan have you signed up for, value or premium plan? Which plan is better in terms of cost and the quality of the service? Just trying to decide which plan to go with.

Hello @ck007,

I always used the premium routes to be 100% sure CNAME goes through, etc. At that price, this is anyway a good deal.

The only exception is some international routes which I had to set to “value” because it was impossible to reach some phone numbers because the phone providers in those countries were only offering “value” routes. I was surprised by that, but yeah, I had to set it to “value” and it worked.

Kind regards.

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I have always used Value routes and never had problem with reliability or Caller ID. I am in Montreal, maybe other locations have more issues with routing than others and would make Premium routing worth the cost.