Has anyone had success registering and then receiving calls using multiple VoIP.ms sub accounts from a single Asterisk server using pjsip or for that matter chan_sip?
I can get the first sub account to work any other challenge the inbound calls with authentication, VoIP.ms does not reply to the auth request and the call fails with Failed to authenticate
If you’re successfully doing this can you please share your pjsip or chan_sip config? Thank You
Hello fonewiz
For multiple PJSIP trunks on the same pbx try replacing the line match = pop.voip.ms with match_header = X-Dest-User: 100000 instead
This is exactly how I got this working last night. I found this deep in an Asterisk forum after a lot of searching.
Your support was great within the ticket but did not offer this solution. I responded back in the ticket with this solution so they would be able to help someone down the road.
I intended to come here and update this thread later today.
I did ask in the ticket if there was any chance of this custom header being removed from your systems down the road, which would break all my services with you. The tech said he wasn’t sure but that I should test with the new cluster ca.voip.ms and if it works there then I should be good because that POP is the model for future roll outs.
Unfortunately using the same config and changing the POP to ca.voip.ms resulted in calls no longer working. I assumed that maybe the customer header wasn’t being sent from that new cluster but the tech showed me a trace showing it is in fact being sent. It’s possible I was just too tried and messed something else up in the config when I changed the POP server.
I have to go back and test further and verify my pjsip config at this point which I’ll do tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for the feedback.