I don't heard anything in VoipCheap after reinstallation

I had to reinstall Windows 10 in my laptop and now when I try to call from the computer, people don’t hear what I say. However, I hear good. It is therefore the built-in microphone (Realtek (R) Audio) that seems to be wrong. At first, I thought the problem was in Windows, not in my program Voipcheap to call, but I have tested the built -in microphone in Windows settings and everything looks good. I have tested the microphone in the Audio Wizard in my VoipConnect and nothing is heard. Previously, before Windows reinstalling, VoipCheap worked without any problems. In Windows Privacy Settings, I have enabled microphone access for the computer and for the telephone app I use (VoipCheap).

In Windows audio settings, in the Communication tab, it is marked by default “Reduce the volume of other sounds by 80%”, but I have tried to change to" Do nothing "and there is no difference. In VoIP I have marked “Activate the automatic volume control” and “Call with the computer’s speakers” but I have changed it without any results. I don’t know what I can do.

I have installed a newer version of VoIP, formerly called VoipConnect, now I have Microsoft app MobileVoIP (for Voipcheap) men the problem remains. I have chosen MobileVoip as a standard app for Tel (URL: Tel) and for SMS (URL: Tel). But It is not possible to choose it for CALLTO (URL: Callto). I don’t know if this can have some influence … Anyway the app has Windows permissions for microphone and sound.

In Windows Privacy settings for Phone calls Access for phone calls on this device is on. It is also on “Allow apps to make phone calls”. But in “Choose which apps can do phone calls” there is only “Contacts”. It is not MobileVoip and I don’t know how to add VoIp here. Could this be the problem??

Hello okean,

I highly recommend reaching out to our team support at support@voip.ms or through a live chat session. We will be able to provide assistance with all the details provided in this post. Thank you.