API Problems: Can't Sign In with Voip.ms SMS

I used Voip.ms SMS successfully earlier today, but now I cannot connect to the API. The original error was “Sync failed API error ‘missing_method’”. I rebooted my android device with no effect. I then deleted and reinstalled the app, and now I cannot sign in to the API as I get a “Sign-in failed: API error ‘missing_method’” error. I confirmed my credentials and I confirmed with the voip.ms staff that the API is working on their side.

Any suggestions?

API Problems: Can’t Sign In with Voip.ms SMS
The same here.

voip.ms broke the rest API URL hostname, so the app needs to be updated or the url needs to be restored.

The app uses www.voip.ms/api/… which is no longer responding but if you use voip.ms/api/… (without the “www.” it’ll probably work.)

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Same here. I emailed Michael Kourlas the app creator about a half hour ago but haven’t received a response yet.


In regards of API URL hostname, yesterday our team made security updates and one of them was the redirection of the hostname traffic. The application needs to be updated so that it supports the URL redirection of www.voip.ms to voip.ms

We recommend getting in touch with the app owner to push for an update to address this issue. Our team will also be attempting to reach out to Michael Kourlas for this purpose, we appreciate all the feedback.


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I just received this from Michael…


This is happening because of a change to the VoIP.ms API; please see

He is on it…

“No worries – it’s easy to fix. It just may take some time for the update to be made available on the Play Store.”

@William You guys really should hire this guy and flesh this app out completely. The work is already half done. It would be great if you guys could have an integrated app with voice calling and SMS attachments as well.

Hi all,

Just to update the thread for whoever follows it, the owner of the app pushed an update, it can be found right here: Release v0.6.26 · michaelkourlas/voipms-sms-client · GitHub.

Apologies for the headaches.


Awesome. Functional again!!


Hello @William (and @DavidR),

If there is a breaking change in the future, would it be possible to give the developers an advanced notice so the software could be updated at the same time the change is made? :smiling_face:

The software broke at a very bad timing for me during the weekend.

Just a little feedback on this. :smiling_face:

:point_right: API changes should ideally be announced, and maybe even have a version number in the URL, so people can migrate within a given timeframe before an old API is removed. This would be the best approach so customers can have smooth transitions and avoid issues on maybe important systems depending on it.

Best regards,

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For real. I created an account just to comment on this.

VOIP.ms broke SMS access for everyone using that API with zero attempt at notice or coordination. People who can’t sideload a version of the volunteer-created app are still unable to use the service from that app.

It’s decisions like this, and past decisions related to the SMS API, which really don’t paint the company in a good light. If you’re not going to develop the API, please at least refrain from breaking it.


I think it is important to note that the app’s use of “www.voip.ms” rather than “voip.ms” was almost certainly an error I made way back in 2014, when I was first developing it.

Although the 301 redirect is new, code from other projects using the VoIP.ms API on GitHub (e.g. this one) suggests that the documentation said to use “voip.ms” (not “www.voip.ms”) for a long time, if not always. “www.voip.ms” worked for many years, but it was undocumented behaviour.

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And thank you very much for the app @michaelkourlas! :blush: Great work!

I’m glad this app is working for some people. Doesn’t work for me, never has and I doubt if it ever will.

Hello @Scott,
Why is it not working for you? Is it a technical issue or something else?

Hi aleclerc

I get a message “sync error: corrupt response”. SMS do arrive in Sipnetic so I know the messages are getting through.

Hello @Scott,

Did you go in Main Menu -> SOAP and REST/JSON API, the set an API Password, then Enable API access, then use these credentials to login with Voip.MS SMS application?

The application uses API access, not your standard account login.

Kind regards.

Hello @aleclerc

Each time I install the app to see if it’s been fixed I go to SOAP and run through the procedure.

If this app never works for me, that’s fine. I like Sipnetic.


Hi again @Scott,

There must be a little something that makes it do that. But I can’t tell. :slight_smile: Sorry I couldn’t help.

Most standard SMS application will do the job. I use Groundwire and it works well too for one user. (Multiple users on the same phone number is better with Voip.MS SMS because you always have the whole history, even if a SMS would fail to reach the final device.)

Kind regards!

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