Is there any plan for RCS support?

Is there any support or roadmap for RCS? What is the general interest of other customers here?


Hello luketidd,

We have previously assessed RCS, and as of today, there are no current plans for its implementation. Please feel free to contact us for any other concerns. For technical issues, please reach out to our support team at or through live chat.

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I have an interest in RCS. Why not?


x2. how do we vote this up?


Now that apple is adopting RCS, the majority of text messages will be through that protocol. Please support.


I think RCS and short code support would be excellent.

With apple adopting RCS, and Android obviously supporting it already it will be common and widespread. Not having RCS is going to start causing me a lot of friction.

Could you reconsider supporting it.

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Hi all, we did survey some of our biggest messaging customers about RCS in the past, but haven’t had much response. We will definitely monitor this trend and adjust accordingly!

Already the lack of MMS support (particularly multi-recipient) has me looking to leave, probably going over to Google Voice, but RCS would be a way to keep me as a customer. I guess I’m not a “biggest messaging customer” though, just one person, so perhaps I’m just not the kind of customer is oriented towards.